Departed Kingscote
Position: 35 38.5 S 137
41.8 E Yesterday afternoon I got ashore to purchase our supplies and on the way back from the supermarket I stopped by one of the local pub restaurants, the Aurora Ozone Hotel, and made a booking for a meal for one for 1800, then proceeded back to Sylph to unload the small bag of groceries. Unfortunately, just as I was getting ready to go ashore the wind picked up from the SE putting Sylph on a lee shore. I had anchored to the south of the Kingscote Jetty on the basis of the forecast for about ten knots of breeze, easing in the evening to less than five. However, I never feel comfortable on a lee shore even when the winds are relatively light, especially when combined with South Australia's notoriously poor holding due to the ubiquitous weedy bottoms. I contemplated shifting anchor and either foregoing my pub meal of delaying it but my procrastination was soon brought to an end when at 1740 the anchor watch alarm sounded on the GPS. There was nothing else for it but to move. I started the engine and then weighed anchor, which is always a bit of challenge when on a lee shore because as the cable gets shorter the vessel wants to drag even faster. In this case I ended up shortening in to about 15 meters then motoring out into deeper water, dragging the anchor along with us. Once I had a bit of sea room I was then able to winch the rest of the cable at my leisure. I then motored Sylph around to the north side of the jetty where there was a little more protection from the short sea that had built up in the SE'ly breeze. I ensured the anchor was firmly set, noting that the bottom here was not as weedy as the south side of the jetty, then once I was confident Sylph was secure, I rowed ashore to a nearby landing and made the short walk to the pub, where I was only about an hour late and was still able to enjoy a nice kangaroo vindaloo and a couple of glasses of a Kangaroo Island shiraz. (But I was of course pleased to get back to Sylph and find her where I had left her.) The winds faded overnight to a complete calm so we were able to enjoy a trouble free sleep and in the morning, after a quick dip, I went ashore to do the laundry and get a few more last minute supplies. Once back on board, a very light breeze was starting to pick up so, with my Kingscote chores complete, I decided to make the most of the day and get under way. At 1400 we had the main up and the anchor stowed. We motored clear of the moorings then set the genoa, shut down the engine and proceeded at a very sedate two knots on a course of ESE in the faint NE'ly air to make for the southern end of The Spit, which we rounded at 1530. Since then the breeze has filled in a little, we have passed the beacons marking the eastern most extent of The Spit and are now broad reaching towards Marsden Point at 3.8 knots. My plan is to once more make for glorious sandy beach of Emu Bay where should arrive at around 1930 and where we will spend the night. Tomorrow the forecast is for freshening SE'ly winds, which should be ideal for exploring further along the north coast of KI. All is well.