Secured for Sea

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 10 Jan 2021 03:53
Position: Alongside Bluff
Wind: W, F5 Sea: slight Swell: nil
Weather: cloudy, occasional shower, mild
Yesterday at high water, with the aid of some lines and tackle connected to the wharf, I managed to detach the windvane from Sylph and get it over the rail and secured inboard. So, apart from not having a functioning windvane self-steering system, Syph
is once again ready for sea. In considering my options, the first thing that has become obvious is that Bluff is not an ideal place to stay for any length of time. Apart from not knowing whether I can remain alongside, and there being no moorings or anchorages
available, when there is strong westerly wind a significant sea can run up the fishing boat harbour, particularly when the tide is flooding. Dave informed me that in a westerly gale boats will bury their bows in the seas that can build up. I definitely do
not want to be caught out here in such conditions. At the moment we have strong winds from the west and lying alongside the wharf makes me a little anxious. Certainly I am not going to leave Sylph unattended in such conditions.
Consequently, it seems to me that my best option is to make my way back to Dunedin at the first available opportunity which, looking at the weather forecast, is tomorrow. Dunedin provides a number of safe anchorages, the sailing club is close to town and
the manager is friendly and helpful, and I reckon it will be a good place to have spare parts for the Hydrovane sent to. So, the plan is to leave here tomorrow and head for Dunedin.
Meanwhile, Kate continues to explore inland New Zealand and plans to head back to Whangarei to pick up her truck. I sure am missing her cheerful presence.
Alongside the fishermen's wharf:

The windvane before being secured inboard:

Dave's boat, Aphrodite:

All is ... okay.