Arrived Port Jackson

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Wed 13 Nov 2024 00:40

Noon position: 33 52.36 S 151 11.21 E
At anchor Blackwattle Bay
Wind: calm
Sea: calm Swell: nil
Weather: overcast, mild
Day's run: 12 nm

The breeze fell lighter in the afternoon but sufficient to fill the code zero and keep Sylph moving. We were on a good angle to make the Heads which we entered at 1520. From here the wind backed into the east and we were able to continue sailing with the big red sail and main sail up the harbour and under the bridge. It was only as we were getting into the built up angular steel and concrete confines of the city that we lost the wind and had to hand sail and resort to the engine.

At 1710 we passed through the derelict Glebe Island swing bridge, now permanently opened, under the Anzac bridge that overshadows the old bridge, and into the placid waters of Blackwattle Bay where, at 1722, we dropped anchor in its murky brown leaf-filled water - a bottle cap floats by, the dull roar of peak hour traffic echoes across the water and the acrid smell of the city fills my nostrils. On the plus side we are in the heart to of one of the world's great cities and its free.

All is well.