Weekly Progress Report 22
It has been touch and go with the weather this last week, with promises of fine weather from the meteorological service, but rarely a day goes by in this part of the world at this time of year without at least one or two showers falling. Thus, each coat of paint or fairing is followed by an anxious hour or two, furtive glances to windward, wondering whether a shower is going to pass over before the last coat will have a chance to set. However, I am pleased to say that on Friday morning we managed to sneak in the final tie-coat of epoxy and the first coat of anti-fouling on before the rains started to fall again on Friday afternoon. Now we will wait for the paint to harden for a few days and on Tuesday we will move Sylph back to her old spot at Docklands. Meanwhile, I continue to put the interior back together. Once Sylph is back at Docklands we will get stuck into refitting the interior and repainting the topsides. The decks are a bit of a mess as well, with all the grinding and blasting, so they will also need repainting. Here it is August already, coming up to six months in refit. Obviously, I grossly underestimated the amount of work that Sylph needed. Not to worry, at least by the time we are back in the water it will be coming on to finer weather, all the better to be sailing in. And there is certainly no rush to be heading off to any other country with the current state of world affairs. NZ is most definitely one of the best places, perhaps even the best place, to be for the time being. Tie-coat:
First coat of anti-fouling (second coat will go on just prior to going back into the water):
All is well. |