Dunk Island

Position: 18 56.07 S 146 08.00 E This morning we got underway just after 0800 to take advantage of the high tide to get out of Paluma Creek and the ebb stream to head north out of Hinchinbrook Channel. Initially there was no wind so we had to motor until 0945 when we started to feel a light wind from astern. We ran before it wing-on-wing at a comfortable five knots no doubt assisted by the ebb stream. The breeze didn’t last for long, however, and by midday we were back under the iron trysail. Then, a mere forty five minutes later, a ruffled line in the water ahead marked the arrival of the sea breeze which on its arrival had us beam reaching at six plus knots. A little after 1400 we doused the jib as we rounded the sand spit on the western point of Dunk Island and at 1425 we rounded into the wind, lowered the mainsail and dropped the anchor in 14 feet of water. Tomorrow we will make for Mourilyan Harbour. All is well. |