Quarantine Bay

Position: 43 07.31 S 147 20.483 E Yesterday we managed to do a bit of sight seeing in nearby Geeveston, in particular following the Platypus Walk, hoping to sight a platypus in the stream that the walk followed. Unsurprisingly, these elusive creatures managed to stay hidden from our view. In the evening we enjoyed a meal at the local Port Huon pub. Today we sailed back to Quarantine Bay in a mostly moderate NW'ly breeze, but as we passed Huon Island, leaving the Huon River behind and entering the D'Entrecasteaux Channel, the wind became very fickle, boxing the compass and falling light one moment and then heeling Sylph over in a fresh gust the next. This made for some frustrating sailing but we eventually made our way to the day's destination and at 1545 we came to anchor in seven meters of clear blue water. All is well. |