A Good Start

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Tue 28 Apr 2015 02:45
Course: South East Speed: 6 knots
Wind: West Nor' West, F4 moderate breeze
Sea slight, Swell South West 1 metre
Weather: Sunny, cool
Day's run: 90 nm.
Fickle winds inside the Sound yesterday meant that we took longer to get to
Hinchinbrook Entrance than I had hoped, but we still managed to get there in
time to take advantage of the ebb tide, which was just as well, for with the
light winds we probably would have drifted backwards if the tidal stream had
been against us. A little after first light we came abeam of Cape
Hinchinbrook Light, marking our exit into the open waters of the Gulf of
Alaska. The wind was light from the north west, which enabled us to run
square before it, wing on wing. As the morning wore on, the wind has backed
slightly into the west nor' west, and freshened to a very pleasant breeze of
about 15 knots, so we have made up for our slow progress yesterday with a
good run this morning, averaging a bit over six knots. The sun is shining,
and the sailing has been very pleasant, allowing for a relatively relaxed
acclimatisation to being back at sea after such a long period alongside over
However, despite the good start, it is perhaps important to acknowledge that
the Gulf of Alaska is not likely to let us pass without extracting a toll of
some description. Hopefully the toll will not be too onerous. As mentioned
yesterday, conditions are not going to remain favourable for the entire
passage. This morning's updated forecast predicts that the wind will
continue to back into the south this evening, and tomorrow and Thursday into
the east. Consequently, we have been remaining to the south of the rhumb
line route so that as we are headed we can fall off towards the coast and
make as much ground towards our destination as possible, as comfortably as
possible. We will no doubt be bashing to windward soon enough. And I shall
leave it at that, as I really do not want to have anyone overhear me whisper
the 'g' word. (If you are wondering what the 'g' word is I will let you know
after we get to Prince Rupert.)
All is well.