More Pleasant Sailing

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Mon 10 Jan 2022 23:52
Course: E Speed: 5 knots
Wind: NNW, F3 Sea: smooth
Swell: SW, 1 meters
Weather: overcast, mild
Day's Run: 120nm
We have enjoyed another peaceful night of pleasant sailing, running wing-on-wing at a comfortable five knots with a gentle breeze off our port quarter. This morning, at 0600, the wind veered further into the NNW, putting the apparent wind on our beam, so I dropped the pole and now we are reaching on a smooth sea with just a slight heel to starboard.
It would seem that all this pleasant sailing has made me very sleepy and I did not properly arise for the day until close to midday. Being so late and the weather so nice I decided on pancakes for brunch, a good way to use up one of the two remaining eggs.
Sylph is now on the same latitude as Coconut so, as long as she remains roughly on this parallel, we will follow in her wake.
All is well.