Departed Westernport
Noon Position: 38 29.1 S 145 04.7
E We got underway this morning just on 0900, wended our way out through Hasting's well-marked winding channel then, once out into the deep water of Westenport's North Arm, turned into the wind, set the main then bore away to the south. Initially the wind was behind us and I poled the jib out to starboard but as we approached Sandy Spit we needed to alter course to the SW which brought us onto a close reach in the freshening breeze, so down pole and one reef in the main. By this time the ebb tide was running at over a knot and we were making good eight knots over the ground. We had to negotiate the entrance to Westernport with care as there are numerous sand bars on its northern side and a two meter SW swell was breaking heavily over them, amplified by the contrary stream. We have now cleared West Head and are close hauled on the starboard tack. It looks like a beat to windward all the way to Port Phillip Heads but the wind is forecast to ease later this afternoon so hopefully conditions will become a little more comfortable. (Maybe then Oli will emerge from under the bunk covers.) All is well. |