By Jupiter!
At anchor Baie de Taiohae,
Nuka Hiva
Wind: Light, variable Weather: Mostly sunny, warm. Yesterday I found a copy of the nautical almanac which I could download free. This then allowed me to go back and check what went wrong with some of my celestial sights while on passage between Chile and here. After going through the problem long hand I found the error, the sign of the declination of Jupiter was wrong. How silly. The reason I did not pick it up was that the software I was using transferred the data from its almanac to its plotting sheet at the click of the mouse, but while it transferred the magnitude of the declination it did not transfer the sign, which makes no sense at all. Still now I know. When I am feeling really keen I might try and work out the lunar sight long hand and try to understand what I am actually doing. Along more practical lines I did a little painting. All is well. |