
Position: 37 09.70 S 139 45.0 E After clearing Backstairs Passage the wind continued to fill in as forecast and for most of last night we were beam reaching to a fresh south-westerly at a steady six knots. This had us off Guichen Bay at first light; however, by then the wind had eased and veered more into the north west which meant we had to gybe and run square to make the entrance to Robe. The waters of Guichen Bay were a sparkling turquoise as we entered and I was tempted to go to anchor to enjoy a swim but the wind in the north quadrant made for a lee shore so we decided to continue into Lake Butler. Once inside we found our assigned berth taken by a trailer sailor that was participating in the Robe Sailing Club long weekend races. This had us temporarily at a different berth but once all the boats left for the day’s racing we moved to where we were supposed to be. Since arriving we have cleaned up a little, visited town for some fresh victuals, and this afternoon we joined the racers at the Robe Sailing Club for a bit of sailing camaraderie. All is well. A black-browed albatross keeps Sylph company:
Guichen Bay from the Robe Sailing Club: |