Double Crewed
At anchor False Creek, Vancouver Today the ship's company of Sylph has doubled in number. We now have two humans on board, and two cats. Sylvia, a pen pal from Calgary who befriended me a few years ago, has come to pay us a visit along with her cat, Calico. Today I picked them up from Granville Island. Calico has settled in quite well, and RC seems completely indifferent to the additional crew. I shall be introducing Sylvia to the finer arts of sailing over the next few days of so, while I trust RC will introduce Calico to the finer arts of being a ship's cat. I am sure Calico will pick of the niceties of eating and sleeping quite quickly, and hopefully will also work out the boundaries betwixt boat and sea in very short order. A win for today has been that Sylvia has solved my internet connection problem. She has very generously opened an account for me in her name, which of course I appreciate very much. So now we will be able to go for a bit of a sail while I am still able to progress my studies. The US visa problem remains, but I reckon a score of one out of two on any given day is pretty good. All is well. |