Departed San Francisco

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sat 26 Dec 2015 22:29
Course: South Speed: 4 knots
Wind: East nor' east, F3 gentle breeze
Weather: sunny, cool
There is an old song I vaguely recall (didn't Frank Sinatra sing it?) “I
left my heart in San Francisco”. How about that? Except, in my case, she
then went and got on an aeroplane and took it to Bomaderry, of all places.
Anyway, for now we have at last managed to break free from the various
attractions of this iconic American city and are now heading south along its
western seaboard. Here I say farewell to Harald, an old sailing friend who I
first had the pleasure of meeting back in 2002 while crossing the Indian
Ocean. He is planning on taking the next weather window and heading for
Hawaii and from there back to Gove, Australia, where he plans on giving
'Fram' a refit. Hopefully our paths will cross again some day, in the not
too distant future.
We also say farewell to a new friend, Jean. Harald and I met Jean after
rescuing the boat that he had recently sold to the crazy Russian, Rimas,
when it dragged anchor in one of the winter gales that blow through San
Francisco Bay on a pretty regular basis at this time of year. Since making
Jeans acquaintance he has taken out quite a bit of time to help us out. He
is planning on heading out into the big blue in his own boat, Carmela, for the first time later in
2016. Good luck Jean, and I look forward to catching up sometime, hopefully in
a tranquil anchorage somewhere. Thank you for all your help.
The sun is shining, the sky is blue, a light breeze is blowing, the swell is
gentle and the seas are smooth. Next stop San Diego.
All is well.