The Saga Goes On
Alongside Ushuaia I spoke directly with the injection pump expert this morning and he tells me the pump can be fixed, dependent on parts, in about a week. Now how the message of “can be fixed in about a week” got garbled into “beyond repair” or in fact more succinctly “kaput” as Pato put it, is a little beyond me. Anyway the Mechanic has now been demoted to a mechanic and the pump is with Diesel Jorge (all us gringos just say Diesel George being easier to say then the Spanish pronunciation). I hope to hear later today whether parts are available. Meanwhile it is cold, windy and wet. It is snowing in the mountains. All is well. Bob Cat: Meeowargh! Another day surviving on hard tack. How long can I go on like this? Meeowwwarrrgh! I feel faint, I feel . . . I feel . . . zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. |