A Sail (with photos)

Orca Inlet, Prince William Sound Today Sylph went for her first sail for the year. This is the longest time Sylph has remained immobile since we were laid up for winter in Annapolis in 2007/08. Emily and Shawna, who have been good friends to me through the Alaskan winter, were welcome guests, and the sail gave Sylph and crew an opportunity for a gentle shake-down prior to committing to the Alaskan Gulf in the forthcoming weeks. Conditions were very light so we did not do much sailing. Nonetheless, I set the mainsail and the genoa, and tested the wind vane. All seems in good order, though there is a little friction in the wind vane control line which I need to attend to, and the sheet winches need servicing, so, in addition to a fun day with friends, the sail proved worthwhile as a confidence check before heading offshore once more. All is well.
Shawna and Emily:
Two sea otters look on, rather bemused: |