Photos - Nagasaki Bomb
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Bob Williams
Sun 16 Mar 2014 12:33
The hypocentre, 1945:
The hypocentre, 2014:
The remains of a Catholic church 500 meters from the hypocentre:
Here I have tried to photograph some remains at the hypocentre
itself. They are behind glass, hence all the reflections:
I did not take any photos inside the actual museum as it seemed
inappropriate, a distraction from focusing on what I was trying to
witness. However, one particular item did attract my attention, and I felt
I wanted to make a record of it. It was small sculpture by a Dutch
survivor, a prisoner of war at the time, if I recollect the display
correctly. I am not sure why it touched me so, but it did not seem so bad
to photograph this item, and it seems to capture something for me of the broken
sadness of it all: