Sew, Sew, Sew

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Tue 8 Jun 2010 22:06

Alongside Persimmon, Caleta Saurez
Wind: Calm
Weather: sunny cool

Today was spent repairing the jib which I am pleased to say is almost finished, with a little bit of very welcome help from Ian, making an otherwise tedious job almost pleasant as we sewed and chatted about this and that,. In between times I got the heater going and repaired one of the dodger windows which had partially popped out of its seal when hit by a heavy wave while crossing the Golfo de Penas.

Now I am baking some bread to take over to Persimmon for this evening’s meal.

All is well.

Bob Cat:

Now the heater is going but no fish, see yesterday’s entry re ducks. I wonder whether our neighbours have any fish? Hmmm, while I ponder the imponderable I shall have a little … zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.