Cleaning Continues
Fukuoka A sunny day has helped to keep crew morale on the up. Things are drying out nicely and I am getting close to putting Sylph's insides all back together. I want to do this before tackling the wind vane and transom in earnest, as at the moment the decks are cluttered with cushions and clothing drying out. One area I tackled today was under the quarter berth. All the bits and pieces stowed there were very damp, so out it all came. Then, while cleaning the hull out, I found some rust. I thought I might as well attend to it while I had everything out. This led me to want to use the vacuum cleaner, which led me to want to use the genset, as there is no power available at the marina dock. So I pulled the genset out and found that it would not start. Bother! I am confident that I can get it going but so far I have spent about two hours fiddling around with it. Some screws refuse to undo, so they are soaking in WD40 overnight. Maybe tomorrow. I find it interesting how one thing leads to another, taking me away from that which I had set out to do, but I have no intention of allowing myself to get too distracted from the main object of getting Sylph seaworthy again as quickly as I reasonably can. Tomorrow I plan to turn Sylph around so that her stern is facing the dock. From there I will be able to tackle getting the mangled wind vane off much more easily. All is well. |