The (Next) Voyage Begins
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Mon 2 Dec 2013 03:40
Course: North nor’ east. Speed: 7 knots
Wind: East sou’ east, F5 - fresh breeze
Sea: slight
Weather: cloudy and warm.
All has gone pretty much according to plan so far. May it continue so. I shifted Sylph over the fuel berth at nine thirty this morning where I topped up the tanks and filled a couple of jerry cans with duty free diesel, the customs officers arrived on time at ten, completed all the paper work and gave me my departure clearance. This had us underway at about ten thirty and sailing clear of Trinity Inlet a short while later.
Now we have two reefs in the mainsail and the jib is partially furled against the fresh breeze. Sylph is making a brisk seven knots, though we are also getting a little assist from the ebbing tide. We are making our exit out of the Barrier Reef and into the Coral via Trinity Passage. Just at the moment we are passing close by Oyster Reef which is helping to keep the seas relatively smooth. In a few hours we will be leaving the protection of the Reef behind and conditions are likely to get a little more boisterous, so I am taking the opportunity to write up the log while conditions are still relatively comfortable.
I am afraid RC is not finding conditions quite so much to his liking. After being at anchor and on the hard for such a long period he has lost his sea legs and has gone through what seems to be his mandatory bout of seasickness, depositing his breakfast all over the cabin sole. Not to worry, he has a few spare kilos he can afford to lose, indeed as do I. Now he is recovering, tucked up on settee and making good use of the heeling powers of sleep.
All is well.