Heading North

Position: 49 10.58 N 123 55.68 W Over the last two days we have been working our way back north through the Gulf Islands. I need to get Sylvia and Calico back to Vancouver so they can return home, but the winds have been fresh from the north west over the last several days, and crossing the Strait of Georgia in such conditions would likely be rather unpleasant, especially for a couple of novice crew members. Yesterday we stopped at Ladysmith Harbour, which proved to be very industrial, centred on wood chipping. It did not look terribly appealing so this morning we weighed anchor and continued north back through Dodds Narrows, making it just in time for slack water. In fact we were a little late due to the head winds being stronger than I had anticipated, and it rather felt like we were being spat out at its far end. Once through the Narrows we made our way to Nanaimo to see if we could find a berth for the night, but by the time we got there at about three in the afternoon the marina was full. Instead we motored over to anchor in Mark Bay where we will stay the night. Tomorrow we will see if perhaps a space has become available in the marina, so that we can get some domestic chores done. At this stage the plan is to head back to Vancouver on Monday when the winds are forecast to be relatively light. All is well. |