Day 55 – Wind Increasing

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 6 Feb 2022 18:06
Course: ESE Speed: 6.5 knots
Wind: NNW, F8 Sea: rough
Swell: NW 3 meters
Weather: overcast, cool
Day’s Run: 150 nm
Over the last 24 hours the wind has picked up and I have reduced sail
accordingly. We are now down to three reefs in the main and the staysail,
with the wind just abaft the beam. We had a bit of jib out overnight to help
keep Sylph’s speed up but this forenoon the wind has increased further to
about 30-35 knots and we were being driven beyond Sylph’s comfort zone of
6.5 knots.
The seas are also getting up but thus far are manageable and we are able to
hold our course to the Horn of 110°T. However, the forecast is for the wind
to increase further to 40 knots tonight, undoubtedly significantly more
during gusts, so I expect we will have to bear away to put the seas more on
our quarter and reduce sail to keep Sylph under control. I may even have to
stream the drogue. We will see what this evening brings. For now Sylph is
travelling well and we continue to make good speed towards the Horn.
Ship's time has been advanced to +5.
Distance to Cape Horn: 284 nm.
All is well.