Heading South

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Tue 5 Feb 2013 02:39
Noon Position: 42 32.3 S 148 22.7 E
Course: South Speed: 4 knots
Wind: North nor' east F3 gentle breeze
Sea: slight, Swell: negligible
Weather: Sunny, mild
Day’s run: 101 nm
We managed to sneak past St Helens Point without needing to tack, though it
was a slow process with a light headwind and a small swell right on Sylph's
nose. With her spoon bow Sylph will ride up and over a sea or swell and,
with only a light wind in her sails, she loses momentum in the process, which,
being a heavy boat, takes a while to build up again. On the plus side we
were rewarded for being so close in by a large pod of dolphins paying us a
visit. This mob were particularly playful and I stood watching them in
delight as they frolicked in tail slapping displays. Some even did a few
high flying leaps for me, indeed one particular showy individual leapt several
meters into the air and did a full backward somersault, something I have never
seen in the wild before.
Overnight the wind backed into the north as predicted so that by ten p.m.,
instead of being close hauled, we were running square downwind. I allowed
Sylph to slowly work her way offshore for the night so I could sleep more
peacefully, and now we are slowly working our way back in again. We have
about forty miles to go to Cape Pillar, which, with the wind freshening
slightly, we should be passing at around seven p.m. From there we will
alter course to west and make for Storm Bay and into the Derwent and Hobart, a
route made famous by the numerous Sydney to Hobart yacht races which have come
this way. With luck we should be dropping the anchor some time
All is well.