Newfoundland Voyage Complete
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Fri 21 Sep 2007 01:10
Well we are back where we started from. This morning we got underway at
7.30 and motored the remaining 28 miles back to Annapolis so completing my
voyage to find an iceberg. Another piece of nautical trivia for my blog
shipmates is the definition of a voyage, which by sea is a journey which
finishes where it started from, anything in between is a passage. This
voyage has taken a nice round 70 days, 51 of them at sea, and in that time
Sylph has sailed 3466 miles.
I expect we will be here in Annapolis for the winter, we have quite bit of
work to get Sylph ready for her next voyage, there are still those Greenland
glaciers waiting to be explored. In the meantime I have some global warming
research to do, I will post a précis of my findings and conclusions here.
For those of you who have followed our travels thank you for your interest.