Light Head Winds

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Tue 4 Jun 2024 02:33
Course: WSW Speed: 4 knots
Wind: NW, F3 - gentle breeze
Sea: slight Swell: SW, 2 m
Weather: overcast, cool
Day's Run: 81 nm
Since yesterday noon we have had light and shifting headwinds. Once around Cape Otway they were predominantly from the SW and we were able to make good a course of WNW. However, during the night the winds gradually veered into the NW and in the small hours we were making good a course of NNE, closing the coast off Warrnambool. At 0200 we tacked onto starboard and since then have been making good a course of WSW.
While winds have been light and progress relatively slow, overall the sailing has been pleasant with Sylph holding a small steady heel, bobbing gently into the slight sea and riding imperceptibly over the long swells.
We will continue to have light headwinds and likely some patches of near calm over the next 24 hours (if the forecast proves accurate), after which we should be getting the much longed for favourable breeze from the south. It is probably not going to get us as far as Kangaroo Island and Backstairs Passage but it should get us at least as far as the shelter of Robe before strong NW'lies return.
Meanwhile, Oli snuggles under the blankets for most of the day. It is a touch on the chilly side.
All is well.