Continuing South

Noon Position: 20 21.6 S 149 02.1 E This morning dawned still and calm. The water was crystal clear and the sands of Whitehaven at their best. I took the opportunity to enjoy a jog along the flat hard sand and then collected Kate for a swim. I was grateful that Kate was able to see this area in its more pristine state, rather than the murky conditions of yesterday brought about by the light onshore breeze. By nine o’clock a light breeze was starting to fill in so we hoisted the main, raised the anchor and got underway. We sailed through the narrows of Solway Passage and are now passing between Shaw and Lindeman Island, running wing-on-wing before a light northerly breeze. The plan is a little fluid just at the moment as winds will be light and fickle tomorrow and fresh headwinds are forecast for Thursday. So, we either make the most of the light favourable winds this evening or opt for some motoring tomorrow. We will see. All is well. |