Quiet Night

Noon Position: 23 30.0 S 071 36.9 W We left harbour with a light but steady breeze which continued until late in the evening when the slight swell overpowered the pressure in the sails and caused the mainsail to slat heavily. Therefore at 23.15 I dropped the mainsail and continued on under the light weight genoa alone which even though the wind was very light kept us moving through the night at a couple of knots. Come morning the wind freshened just enough to allow me to hoist the mainsail again. Since then we have been making good about three knots with the mainsail now only offering a half hearted slat every now and then. Given the light winds I am well satisfied with the day’s run of only 71 miles. All is well.
"I don't know who named them swells. There's nothing
swell about them. They should have named them awfuls". |