Monday 15 – Cid Harbour

Position: 20 15.48 S 148 56.68 E We got underway this morning, sailing from anchor with the sun rising. Once clear of Scawfell Island’s western promontory the wind steadied into a fresh breeze from the SSW, to which we beam reached under a single reefed main and a partially furled jib, making good a spanking seven knots. At midday we passed Thomas Island to starboard and turned into Whitsunday Channel. This allowed us to ease sheets a little and, with the wind easing, by mid-afternoon we were running wing-on-wing under full sail. At 1500 we gybed and headed for Cid Harbour through the relatively narrow Hunt Channel. As we entered the channel wind fell light in the lee of Whitsunday Island and we continued under sail to anchor among the flock of pleasure boats also at anchor here. Thus, I am pleased to be able to say that we have sailed the whole way today, only turning the engine on as a precaution for the final approach among the crowd of boats but, in the end, not having to use it. We will relax here overnight before heading for Airlie Beach tomorrow where we will resupply before continuing on to Townsville. Not far to go now. All is well. |