Bundy or Bust (only because it alliterates)
Noon Position: 23 18.2 S 151 05.6 E The south side of Great Keppel Island made for a great stop-over. Its smooth crystal clear waters at high tide were a joy to dip into and its firm flat white sand were irresistible to those of us who enjoy a gently jog along a beach feeling the fresh salty breeze on the skin with the steady rhythmic beat of the waves breaking in our ears. We also caught up with Peter and Janet from the good ship Déjà Vu once more. We get on with them very well and I am pleased to say that we appear to be coming quite firm friends. Shipwreck and Beck also sailed in while we were there in their freshly painted, now fire engine red, little Hood 23 (I confess I do not know her name) and it was nice to see these young (relative to me at least) souls continuing to enjoy a wandering life apparently untrammelled by the insanity of the contemporary world. But all good things must come to an end and this morning with the breeze continuing from the north, I felt it was time to be continuing south. So, at 0930, with the faithful little Walker Bay 8 dinghy lashed back on deck, we weighed anchor and set sail once more. Next stop, Bundaberg … I think. All is well. |