and closer . . .
Alongside Mar Del Plata, Argentina. Monday at last, holidays are over so hopefully we can get things into gear and get out of here (nothing against Mar Del Plata but there is grass growing on Sylph’s waterline). Some good news today. It looks like I have found a company to ship the blown out headsail back to the sail broker in the US and with a little bit of luck we might be able to get a replacement mainsail made by the end of the month. That will be a relief as we will then be able to have it shipped down to Ushuaia which is still in Argentina and should therefore be a lot less hassle. And after there isn’t a lot of civilization until Valparaiso - a bit of a long haul and a lot to ask of my rapidly deteriorating mainsail. Pato, the North Sails rep here in Mar Del Plata and the only sail maker has been extremely helpful. Still waiting for my batten car parts, arrived from Australia in Buenos Aires on New Years Eve, I will start chasing those up tomorrow as well. Weather when last I looked seems OK for a Thursday departure, so I am working towards that and will keep my fingers crossed. Oh - and the colour has come good on the little netbook, still has some issues but at least I can read the screen without feeling like I have just popped some LSD. All is well. Bob Cat: