Departing Tomorrow

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Wed 25 Nov 2020 03:33
Wind: NW F4-5. Sea calm. Swell nil.
Weather: overcast, showers
We have used our time alongside in Whitianga to revictual and order in some bits and pieces. First and foremost was a new SIM card for the Iridium Satellite phone. The plan is to continue down the east coast with an ultimate destination for the summer of Stewart Island at the bottom of New Zealand. Talking to the locals, the east coast has something of a nasty reputation with very changeable weather and limited ports of refuge. So, with uncertain mobile phone coverage, it seems a good idea to have something a little more reliable for weather forecasts, and I still want to be still be able to update the blog on a regular basis.
Now the water tanks are topped up, the lockers are full of fresh food and the crew are ready and able. Tomorrow morning we will move to the fuel berth to top up fuel tanks and then be on our way. We should have favourable winds until late Friday/early Saturday when a fresh southerly change is due. Our plan is to try and make for Gisborne, which is perhaps a bit ambitious, but failing that we will make for Tolaga Bay, or perhaps somewhere in the Bay of Plenty if things go completely awry.
Looking forward to a good sail.
All is well.