Stores and Grease
Alongside Ushuaia Yesterday was an overcast drizzly day during which I stored ship with fuel and supplies. Another problem has developed with Sylph’s aging machinery, in running the engine in gear a distinctive bearing noise emanated from the prop shaft. My investigations pointed to the thrust bearing which, because of its hidden location, looks like it hasn’t received any grease for quite a while, so I pulled out the grease gun and thoroughly saturated it. Hopefully this will do the trick. In the evening I had the pleasure of Roger and Connie’s company for dinner on board in a way of saying a small thank you for their hospitality and support during my much longer than intended stay in Ushuaia. Sylph’s fare is simple but I hope tasty and reasonably healthy. I shared with them my pressure cooker vegetable curry, which I am pleased to say met with my guest’s approval. This morning started wet and drizzly but it soon cleared and revealed a fresh snowfall on the precipitous mountains that surround the small city. The crisp sunshine and the picturesque back drop could not but put one in a positive mood for the day. The thrust bearing appears to have quietened down a bit, hopefully it will continue to improve and not get worse as replacing it will be no small job. The water tanks are topped up, I have made a Chilean courtesy flag and we are pretty well ready to sail. Showers are forecast for tomorrow and Sunday, if its raining this rough, tough sailor might wait unitl Monday before we clear out. All is well. Bob Cat: It has been a nice cockpit sun bathing day today. Very pleasant. And I even scored a bit of tuna this evening. The heater is on, life is good, time to ….. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. |