Cooktown Still

Position: At anchor
Cooktown A week has passed and we are still at anchor in Cooktown. We did have ideas of continuing on to Lizard Island but have decided to remain here until the wind abates sufficiently to start heading back south. While it would be nice to visit Lizard Island, the further north we go the stronger and more persistent the trade winds become and the more difficult it will be to make our return journey. We had what looked like a promising weather window yesterday evening but on reviewing it yesterday morning, there appeared to be too much green (15-20 knots) on the Weather Bureau’s ‘Meteye’ website, so we decided to wait. Thursday might be a possibility. In the meantime I am getting a few maintenance jobs done and each afternoon we take the dinghy to the shore for a walk, some shopping and a couple of beers at the Top Pub. All is well. |