Shoreside Week Nine: Sylph Sails

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Mon 29 Aug 2022 08:03

Position: Alongside RSAYS, Outer Harbour, Adelaide
windy, cloudy, showers

After quite a bit of messing around getting the length of the spacing shackle at the top of the forestay right, the forestay has at last been fitted. And thus far the BRM continues to run without any issues. So on Friday, with the help of my friend Wayne who has been visiting Adelaide for the week, we took Sylph for a test sail. I am pleased to say that all went well and I can announce that Sylph is ready to go sailing again.

However, while Sylph might be ready to sail, during the last few weeks I have managed to get myself entangled with another vessel, namely the iconic maxi-yacht Brindabella. While fixing Sylph up I have made friends with her new owners who are starting up a charter business with her. It looks a great project so when they asked me to skipper her for a few months to help them get the project up and running I couldn't refuse. Next week we take her out for her Australian Maritime Safety Authority sea trials. If she passes these then we will be starting some charters shortly thereafter.

At this stage my commitment looks to be until January next year so the opportunity for Sylph and I to do any serious offshore voyages until then will be strictly limited. In between now and then we are going to have to settle for short local voyages, which is fine as I want to spend this Christmas with family in Adelaide. It has been a few years now since I have enjoyed a family Christmas. And the Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron makes for a great base with excellent services and lots of friendly people.

But do not worry, dear reader, I have no intention of swallowing the anchor just yet.

All is well.