Noon Position: 50 00.6 N 054 52.6 W Course West Speed 3.5 knots Daily run: 75 miles Average Speed: 3 knots Once again we have been confounded by light winds, still the
plan roughly came together, just took a bit longer and required quite a bit of
motoring. We transited the island and rock strewn waters of So far – nothing. There are icebergs reported to
be in the area, apparently 4 in about a 1200 square mile patch of ocean. We
figure that at an average speed of 4 knots and a visual sweep width of about 10
miles we can cover about 560 square miles in 14 hours of daylight. Now
applying some search theory, assuming these 4 icebergs are randomly placed in
the search area our probability of detecting an iceberg is going to be … hmm,
well actually I don’t know but it has got to be a fair chance. Tonight we will continue to sail and drift and then tomorrow
we must start heading for Lewisporte where Paul has to connect with a bus. Wish
us luck. |