Myponga Beach

Position: 35 22.20 S
138 23.16 E Today, I am pleased to say, went according to plan. I had secured the dinghy on deck yesterday afternoon so on arising this morning it was a simple matter of raising the mainsail - initially with two reefs, casting off the mooring, setting the jib and sailing clear of the sand banks before turning to the east to pass close north of Troubridge Island. Once we were clear of that hazard, I hardened in the sheets to cross the Gulf so as to end up as far south as Sylph could make in one board. Conditions were better than I was expecting. Despite a few days of fresh SSE'ly winds, the seas were slight and the wind eased mid-forenoon allowing a reef to be shaken out of the main. We managed to make good a course of ESE across the Gulf, fetching up in Aldinga Bay at 1500. The nearest potential anchorage looked like Mypinga Beach, a small cove at the south end of the Bay which, according to the chart, had a shoaling shoreline and likely offered a bit of shelter from the slight southerly swell that was running. I tacked into the beach and indeed it looked to be a good anchorage. As we approached I furled the jib and crept in towards the beach under single-reefed mainsail with the engine ticking over just in case it was needed, keeping a close eye on the depth sounder. At 6 meters depth and about 200 meters off the beach we found a sandy bottom. I made my way forward, handed the main, and let go the anchor. Once I was confident that Sylph had her cable, I got the dinghy in the water and rowed ashore for a bit of a look around. There is little here apart from about twenty holiday homes, some of which look rather palatial. Having stretched my legs, I returned on board for dinner, reheated veggie curry. The forecast is for the wind to remain fresh in the SE for the next couple of days, so tomorrow I will likely remain at anchor and go for a bit of a hike ashore in the way of some exercise. And Friday I may try heading over to Kangaroo Island. The ship's cat is content and ... All is well. |