Departed Port Jackson

2000 Position: 34 11.0 S 151 07.0 E Last Friday I got my new boots and on Monday, with the help of a friend from my sailing club, I picked up the dorade vents from the sand blasters. While waiting for the boots and vents to come back, I had also been working on making a new seat for the aft end of the cockpit which. apart from needing a few more coats of varnish, I finished yesterday. So this morning, looking at the weather I could see no good reason not to start making tracks for Adelaide. I completed a few last minute chores, including making up some plugs to close up the holes where the dorade vents normally go, as they still need several more coats of paint before they will be ready to bolt back in place, and at 1515 started the engine, let go lines from the RANSA dock and got under way. Since then we have enjoyed a pleasant sail, if a little on the chilly side, out of the harbour and down the coast. At this stage we are making for Wollongong Boat Harbour where we should arrive around midnight. Wollongong is only a short hop from Sydney but it’s a start. We will stay here a day or so, or more, depending on when we get a good forecast for continuing south and on into Bass Strait. All is well. |