Weekly Progress Report 23 – Fiddly Bits

We moved back to our old spot at Docklands 5 on Tuesday and it feels good to know that Sylph is just outside the door of Kate’s truck, patiently waiting for our attention to get here shipshape and seaworthy again for her further adventures. Now that we are back at Docklands I have turned my attention to refitting the interior. For the most part this has been some fiddly bits, namely the wiring and plumbing, so there is not a lot of interest in the way of photos to post this week. I have also made a start on rebuilding the saloon furniture but at this early stage it is very rudimentary. I am hoping by the end of next week I will have more to show in the way of material progress.
Sylph back at Docklands: Fiddly electrical bits: All is well.