
Position: 19 14.7 S 176 22.5 W
Course: West sou' west, Speed: 6 knots Wind: East, F4 moderate breeze Weather: Partly cloudy, warm Day's run: 135 miles The wind remained light for most of yesterday afternoon, consequently I resorted to the drifter shortly after signing off from my blog entry. I had dropped the mainsail and raised it a couple of times in the hope there was sufficient wind to keep it full and was hoisting it just on dusk when I noticed a stowaway, a little tan coloured gecko was on the luff of the main. I tried to catch him but he was too fast and as far as I can work out he is now probably under the dinghy or the trysail cover. I have thought of what I might do but I am afraid things are not looking good. Even if I could catch him I have no idea what I might feed him, and if he survived the passage to Australia I am certain AQUIS would not be amused. So for now I will leave him to fend for him (or her) self. Overnight the breeze has indeed freshened and we are running square with the reefed mainsail out on one side and the jib poled out on the other making good about six knots. The sun is shining, I have broken the sextant out and we are once more settling into our sea routine. All is well. |