Ready for Haul-out

Position: Moored Rushcutters Bay, Port
Jackson This last week I have continued unloading Sylph in preparation for the inclination test. Sylph is now almost empty. All that remains are the sails, the life raft, some tools, and the basic necessities for living on board. Yesterday, Chris and I took Sylph for a sail in windy conditions which was good familiarisation for Chris. We sailed out the Heads and discussed tactics for getting out of the Harbour on race day without getting caught up in other boats, especially the spectator fleet. Today we completed the induction required to work in the Noakes boatyard, and tomorrow morning we haul out. This coming week, with a little luck, will see Sylph measured for the stability certificate, the keel and rudder inspection done, and a coat of fresh anti-fouling applied. So, a big week ahead. All is well. |