Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sun 27 Jan 2013 01:35
1300 Position: 36 13.4 S 138 42.0 E
Course: drifting slowly north
Wind: calm
Sea: calm, Swell: South 1 meters
Weather: Partly cloudy, mild
Day’s run: 44 nm
The light winds we were expecting have turned out to be a gross exaggeration. Instead, overnight we have been mostly becalmed. When I look at the weather fax I can see why, we are pretty much bang in the middle of a col. In the last fifteen hours we have managed to sail and drift to a point only 4.1 miles south sou’ east of where we were at nine p.m. last night.
But some wind will come. As mentioned in yesterday’s log, we are expecting a cold front early tomorrow so, in anticipation, I have used the morning’s calm to change the headsail over to Sylph’s new number three jib. I have not used this new sail in earnest yet and the front might present a good opportunity to try it out.
Meanwhile, we continue to drift.
All is well.