Arrived Adelaide

Position: 34 46.43 S 138 29.40
E We eventually motored clear of the wind shadow under Cape Jervis, finding a light N'ly breeze, and at 1410 I was at last able to set the jib and shut down the BRM. At 1530, with the wind easing slightly and veering into the ENE, I opted for the code zero in lieu of the jib and we were able to make a course of NNW at three to four knots. We maintained this sail plan until 2030 when, with the breeze forecast to freshen overnight, I reverted to the smaller jib. At 2310 the wind was backing into the NNE, threatening to push us onto Troubridge Shoals. We tacked away from the danger making good a course of ENE back across the Gulf. At 0410 I put a reef in the main as Sylph heeled to the strengthening breeze, and bucked to the building sea. We remained on this heading until 0645 when we tacked back onto starboard off Port Stanvac on the eastern side of the Gulf of St Vincent, making good a course of NW. We tacked one more time at 0900 with the breeze backing further to NNW, allowing Sylph to make good a NE heading and, I hoped, to be able to lay the channel into Port Adelaide's Outer Harbor. This in fact proved to be the case and at 1238 we passed between the Outer Harbor's breakwaters. Sailing a short way into its smooth sheltered waters, I started the engine, handed sail, and prepared Sylph for coming alongside. We initially went to the fuel dock where I have topped up Sylph's tanks, which were getting close to empty, then moved a short way forward to the maintenance dock. We will stay here at the maintenance berth for the weekend to do some tidying up and next week will likely move to a more permanent berth for the remainder of our time in Adelaide, waiting for the big event - my sister's birthday celebrations. All is well. |