Position: 33 52.38 S 151 11.22 E We entered Sydney Heads at 2000 and proceeded to Quarantine Beach where we picked up a mooring for a peaceful night. The morning dawned calm but smoky. In fact, the city, despite being only five miles distant, was hidden behind the smoke’s haze. While the atmosphere was hazy, the water was clear and inviting so, after breakfast, I broke out the hooker gear and I spent an hour under Sylph’s hull inspecting and cleaning the antifouling. Unfortunately, while the paint is mostly in good condition, there are a number of patches where the antifouling has flaked off back to the primer. This afternoon, with the afternoon sea breeze picking up, I dropped Kate off ashore to visit her stepdaughter and her new baby, then dropped the mooring and set sail for Blackwattle Bay. The wind was behind us pretty much the whole way down the harbour so, apart from the plethora of small and large craft stirring up the waters and the usual fluky conditions under the Harbour Bridge, it was an easy sail. At 1520 we sailed through the old Glebe Island Bridge, its dilapidated turntable permanently open and looking permanently sad, and then under the new Anzac Bridge, sleek, smooth, shiny, and dull, thence into Blackwattle Bay, where I started the motor, handed sail, and found a spot to anchor among the many other craft here. Now I await Kate’s return. All is well. |