Primrose Beach

Position: 42 53.60 S 147 40.04 E Yesterday afternoon Ada departed Sylph to head back to Sydney and, after several months of having a crew of at least one other person, I am back to single-handing mode. In fact the last time I single-handed was 19 May last year after our passage from Port Philip to Port Jackson. I find myself wondering whether it will take much adjustment but so far so good. This morning after a short visit to the local chandlery and the post office, we got under way at 0915. Initially conditions were calm and we had to motor down the River Derwent and out into Storm Bay. But, as we passed the Iron Pot at the entrance to the river, the wind started to pick up. At 1135 I shut down the engine and we continued under main and jib, close hauled on the port tack. At 1315 we experienced a significant wind shift into the SE allowing us to tack and ease sheets to make good a course of NNE. I wanted to get around the western side of Tasman Peninsular and into Norfolk Bay, looking to find a secure anchorage in the vicinity of Denison Canal to await a fair weather window for heading north. At 1500 we experienced a dramatic wind shift into the NE and increasing to force 4. An hour later I put a reef in the main as the wind picked up further, gusting to force 5. With the increased wind I opted to head for a bay some six nautical miles to the west of the canal which looked like it would provide reasonable shelter from NW to E winds. At 1652 I dropped anchor in 6 meters off the white sands of Primrose Beach. Tomorrow the wind should ease during the early part of the day so I will likely take the opportunity to sail the remaining distance to anchor a bit closer to the canal. The forecast has winds remaining fresh out of the NE until Friday so I expect to be holed up in this general area until then. Our destination for this passage is Adelaide with a view to catching up with family and friends. All is well. |