Where Next?
Bob Williams
Mon 11 Apr 2016 00:55
Course: South by East Speed: 3 knots
Wind: East Sou’ East, F5 – fresh breeze
Sea: moderate Swell: Negligible
Weather: sunny, hot
Day’s run: 132 nm
We are now in Fijian waters, though have some 65 nm to go until our port of entry, Vuda Point Marina. We enjoyed an uneventful night and this morning at first light we raised Yaloua Koua Island, a small but distinctive high round island that clearly marks the entrance through the Great Sea Reef and into Bligh Water. We appear to have been fortunate with the timing of our entrance for we had the flood tide assisting us through. Now, however, our course lies into the wind and we are punching into a short steep sea. We have a reef ahead fine off our starboard bow which we need to clear, so I have the motor running to help lift us past it. Once clear I will shut the motor down and we will continue sailing.
My plan is to get in close to Vitu Levu for the night, hopefully there to shelter in its lee to await morning and light so that we can continue on, negotiating the reef strewn waters that surround Vitu Levu lying between Bligh Water and Vuda Point. With a little luck I hope to be off Vuda Point early tomorrow afternoon.
All is well.