Test Sail
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sat 17 Nov 2012 03:09
Position: 33 48.86 S 151 17.14 E
At anchor Quarantine Bay
Wind North east, light
Mostly sunny
Today I decided it was high time to test out the new rig, and make sure all
was in order for the forthcoming passage back to Adelaide. I dropped the
mooring in Elizabeth Bay at a little after ten, motored into clear water with
the so far trusty new engine, set sail and worked our way down the harbour and
out towards the heads. We are now at anchor off Quarantine Beach with the
Queensland sail training ship “South Passage” anchored nearby.
Everything seems to be working OK so far.
We will stay the night and head back to Elizabeth Bay tomorrow.
All is well.
Sailing again at last. Sydney Harbour Bridge astern.
Sail Training Ship South Passage:
At anchor
off Quarantine Beach:
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