Departed Wollongong
Noon Position: 34 16.5 S 151 00.2 E
E I was tempted to get underway last night in a light land breeze that appeared to have sprung up but then thought better of it, suspecting that it was more probable that we would either end up becalmed and drifting or motoring noisily, resulting in a very restless night. This morning dawned a flat calm so, after enjoying a peaceful night, I was glad of my decision to stay put. Given the calm conditions there was no hurry to get underway. I had a quick refreshing dip over the side, breakfast and read the news. At 0940 there was still no wind but I thought it time to get underway if we were to get to Sydney by the morrow. I started the engine, slipped the mooring and once clear of the harbour's breakwaters, hoisted the mainsail preparatory to some wind eventually turning up. Since then we have mostly motored. I have set the jib to a light breeze and shut down the motor a couple of times but on each occasion the wind abandoned us and we have resorted to the BRM. Now we are once more attempting to sail. The breeze is forecast to freshen from the NE this afternoon, a head wind but a breeze nonetheless, so hopefully we will be able to make some ground towards Sydney without contributing too much more in the way of GHGs to the atmosphere. All is well. |