
Where Next?
Bob Williams
Sat 16 Jan 2016 21:15
Course: South by east Speed: 4 knots
Wind: North west F2-3 light to gentle breeze
Sea: slight Swell: west 1.5 meters
Weather: overcast, mild
Day's run: 124 nm
Once clear of Ensenada Harbour, we found only very light winds outside, but this was expected, as the bay is well protected and one needs to get a little offshore to clear the wind shadow of the mountains to the bay's north. So we motored, and at midday, as we were approaching Isla de Todos Santos, we started to feel the breeze again. I set sail and shut down the motor. The wind remained steady and by mid-afternoon we had worked our way sufficiently offshore to be able to bear away on a quarter run, poling the jib out to starboard and running wing on wing overnight.
This morning, as the sun rose so the wind dropped. I tried to maintain steerage by setting the drifter, but with a moderate swell causing Sylph to roll, the wind was too light even for this lightweight sail to fill. Consequently, at ten a.m. I handed sail and flashed up the BRM. Well this must have done the trick, for less than an hour later the breeze has once more filled in, the sails are back up, the motor is back down, and we are making a very comfortable five and a bit knots.
All is well.