Alofi Bay, Niue

Position: 19 03.22 S 169 55.39 W
Moored Alofi Bay, Niue Wind: East, F3 gentle breeze Weather: Sunny, warm We rounded the southern end of Niue late yesterday afternoon where we lost the wind but not the swell leaving Sylph wallowing and sails slatting. I was keen to see if we could get to anchor or pick up a mooring before sunset as we were going nowhere fast I started the engine and we motored most of the remaining six odd miles to Alofi Bay, rain showers chasing us all of the way and catching us just for the last mile of so into the anchorage. There were two boats in the anchorage and lots of orange buoys. As the other yachts were on moorings I saw no harm in picking one up myself and at 4.25 we were at last snug at a mooring. Moments later I was called by the crew of the French boat and I have to say they were about the most hospitable couple I have come across for a long time so on the basis of meeting Jean-Pierre and Francoise I retract mean thing I have said about French sailors. They were leaving in the morning but this did not stop them from inviting me on board, giving me a feed and a beer. The other boat, Tantrum, is Australian, the crew must have been ashore last night for they have only just returned on board and moved their boat to a mooring slightly closer to the stone pier. I should probably go and say hello but to be honest Tantrum does not look like my sort of boat so in all probability they are not my sort of people. I had a small scare on my way across to visit Jean Pierre and Francoise (I didn't get the name of their boat, and very nice it was too). As I was putting the dinghy in the water a black sea snake was swimming by which decided to give me and the dinghy a good looking over. While I believe these creatures to be not at all aggressive they are extremely poisonous, I on the other hand am neither naturally aggressive or brave and will be putting off any thoughts of swimming over the side off until the next stop. I had a constructive day today with a few boat chores, namely checking the engine zincs and changing the fuel filter, but have not been ashore as yet as everything is shut, including customs and the police, . Now I am considering whether to even bother, I have achieved my main objective, namely to have a rest and a bit of a break from the swells and squalls. If I do stay it will only be for one more night, whereas if I get going in the morning I will save myself $65 for clearing in fees, and it is only two to three days to Tonga from here. All is well. |