Reevesby Lagoon

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Fri 6 Jan 2012 02:34
Noon Position: 34 32.01 S 136 16.45 E
At anchor Reevesby Lagoon
Wind: East, F4 Moderate Breeze
Weather: Sunny, warm
It was an interesting sail yesterday in amongst the small low islands that make up the Sir Joseph Banks Group and the Reevesby Lagoon, which is not properly a lagoon but is called such as it resembles one with Reevesby Island making its eastern flank and the small surrounding islands and sand banks leaving only one relatively narrow navigable entrance on its western side into a body of water about a mile in diameter. We hurtled through this narrow gap at a 3.30 pm under a reefed mainsail and partially furled jib beam reaching to a fresh southerly. As we entered the lagoon I tightened up the sheets to make for the south-eastern corner which looked like the best shelter. Three other boats were at anchor on the eastern side so I aimed to anchor to windward of these. As we approached these vessels and the depth sounder showed about three and a half meters I rounded up into the wind, handed sail and as the way came off let go the anchor. It was still pretty windy in the lagoon as the islands are only low lying and offer little shelter, the bottom is mostly weed and unfortunately the anchor did not hold, as the load came onto the anchor cable Sylph immediately started to drift downwind. I hoped that the anchor might find some sand to bury itself into but after we had drifted a good 100 meters it was evident that this was not going to be the case so I started the engine, retrieved the anchor and motored to what looked like an extensive sandy patch closer to the other three vessels. The second time round the anchor held and here we are.
Mark arrived after his sojourn down to Memory Cove about 6 pm, and we enjoyed another evening sharing stories and catching up on the day's activities as well as personal and world events for the last several years.
Today we will have a relaxing day at anchor, explore what there is of Reevesby Island, my turn to cook tonight, then tomorrow will probably head for Wedge Island.
All is well.