Shoreside Week Seven

Where Next?
Bob Williams
Mon 15 Aug 2022 09:28
Weather: showers, windy at times, mostly mild
The last week has been highly productive, in particular with the engine back together, tested, and today reinstalled.
We did have a minor hiccup on the initial test run in the boatshed prior to installation. The engine started no problems (which rather amazed me) but it had a major oil leak from between the timing gear cover and the block. The leak meant that I had to pull the timing gear cover off, which is rather involved, to work out why it was leaking. It turned out that the new gasket had not seated properly around an oil gallery. I fixed the problem by reusing the old gasket with a bit of gasket goo to make sure it sealed. The second test run went well and no more leaks appeared so today, with the help of the friendly Yacht Squadron staff, we moved the engine over to the Etchell crane, towed Sylph back alongside the Etchell wharf, and then this afternoon Julian helped me lift the BRM back into its proper spot in Sylph's keel.
I spent the rest of the day reconnecting most everything and managed to give it another test run late in the afternoon. I am very pleased to say that the BRM started up with no problems and ran smoothly. The throttle and gear shift cables and the instruments have yet to be reconnected and I hope to complete those jobs tomorrow. Once done we will then be able to get Sylph under way under her own power. Hooray!
Another significant job that I have completed this last week is replacing the forward lower starboard shroud with Dyneema rope instead of 1x19 stainless steel wire. As previously mentioned if this new shroud works well then I will replace the remainder of Sylph's standing rig, excepting the forestay, with synthetic rope when and as needed.
This coming week the plan is to finish off the engine installation and replace the forestay. Once these two jobs are done then Sylph will be ready to go sailing again.
I am also pleased to report that Oli has been very well behaved. When the weather is fair I have allowed him out on deck for short periods and for the most part he has not strayed far from the boat which has made life alongside a little more relaxing for me.
All is well.